Real Estate Opportunities In and Around Noosa
title: Real Estate Opportunities In and Around Noosa
description: We all dream about escaping the noise and pollution of the city and moving somewhere warm by the ocean. Unfortunately, most of us never end up realising this dream because we think that it would be too impractical or expensive.

Real Estate Opportunities In and Around Noosa

We all dream about escaping the noise and pollution of the city and moving somewhere warm by the ocean. Unfortunately, most of us never end up realising this dream because we think that it would be too impractical or expensive. It is a shame, however, as there are a lot of beautiful and reasonably priced homes in and around Noosa, and the time is good for investing in new property. Whether you are looking for a summer home to escape to or the perfect retirement location, there are plenty of opportunities to buy all over the Noosa area. Here are some tips for when you are ready to finally take the plunge and make your dream come true.

When to Buy

The time is now when it comes to buying your dream property in Noosa, so start exploring and comparing all of the options in the area for real estate. The Sunshine Coast property values are expected to increase in the near future, so you don’t want to wait until all the property is out of your price range.

What to Buy


There is no shortage of variety when it comes to Noosa real estate, with everything from business properties to apartments, townhouses and homes. Investment properties are a hot item at the moment in Noosa. You can get in on this action by buying up a block of units, renovating them and selling them off for a profit. Anything you buy; whether it is for resale, a seasonal home, or a home for your retirement, you will find no shortage of tenants in Noosa that you can rent to in the meantime. If you are looking for your new residence but are not sure about how you will pay the mortgage, then finding a property that is suitable for holiday rental is the perfect choice. Close to the beach or river, ocean views, close to essential services – these are just a few of the reasons a property will rent well in Noosa.

Where to Buy

There are a lot of beautiful and vibrant communities and suburbs in the Noosa area, and it can be difficult to decide which one to move to. First, decide what your personal preference is; whether you want to be close to the ocean, National Parks or town centres, and what kind of view you are hoping to have. Next, take a look at the local real estate guide such as the quarterly R&W collection. Currently Noosaville is one of the favourite suburbs as far as capital growth and rental yields are concerned. Additionally, Sunshine Beach and Noosa Sound suburbs are very progressive and are expected to grow in the near future as well. In general, the current Sunshine Coast “hot spots” are: Sunshine Beach, Sunrise Beach, Noosa Sound, Coolum, Mt. Coolum and Noosaville. Make sure you have a precise idea of how much you are willing to spend; areas such as Noosa Heads are more popular tourists spots and may have higher property values, whereas the town of Eumundi is less expensive but further away from the beach. Generally, there is some great stock currently on the market in the Noosa area and you shouldn’t have a problem finding exactly what you are looking for. Before you set out, do a little research into the market as it can change quickly in response to the state of the overall economy.


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