Presenting your property for sale
title: Presenting your property for sale
description: How best to present your property for sale
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Presenting your property

It is so very important that a property ‘feels’ right to a buyer.

Indeed for many buyers, it can be an immediate connection that is strengthened the more they discover the new delights a property can offer. You will need to be objective – pretend you’re the buyer – and make your property as enchanting as possible. Here are some suggestions:

Street appeal

Look at your property from the street and ensure it is clean, tidy and the lawn is mown. Is the front entrance in tip-top condition and the front door welcoming?

The inside story.

Cut flowers add some charm and very often both men and women comment on them. Wash your curtains, steam-clean the carpets and if a splash of paint will show the walls and ceilings in their very best light, then it is worth it. Sparkling properties will leave buyers with an emotional attraction to them. Remove clutter, clean out the cupboards and if necessary then brush-up the furniture as well. Think of how the property makes you feel when you walk through.

Remove all rubbish as well as smells like cigarette, strong food and pet smells. See if you can replace that with comfort smells like coffee brewing or a cake baking. Sounds can also induce a buyer to linger longer at inspection time. Loud, head-banging music may be your preference, but some buyers will find it offensive! Gentle, background music will make buyers feel comfortable.

Every property will present it’s very best at a certain time of the day, very often when the natural light is optimum and street noise is reduced. Let your agent know your observations and together plan the best time for the Open Home.